Nevada State Tow Association


Member Code of Conduct

  • Maintain a high standard of business principles and avoid all conduct which could bring reproach upon this Association
  • Comply with all federal, state, county, and city laws and regulations
  • Abide by this Association’s Charter, by-laws, this Code and other policies adopted by the Board of Directors
  • Employ truth and accuracy in advertising and soliciting, never mis-represent capabilities, capacity, experience, or locations
  • Recognize and affirm the right of the customer to courteous, prompt and honest dealings
  • Members and their employees shall refrain from intimidation, harassment, verbal abuse or assault of customers, each other, members of the public
  • Promote friendly and cooperative attitudes to all members of the association
  • Maintain strict confidentiality about pricing (Follow and comply with Anti-Trust Laws); not discuss pricing with any other members of the association
  • Members shall not use their position within the Association for personal gain
NSTA Address
Nevada State Tow Association
1285 Baring Blvd #243
Sparks, NV 89434
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Nevada State Tow Association
All Rights Reserved.

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